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"In Lark's artworks recur the stark simplifications
of suprematism
and the extravagant elaborations
of surrealism,
the spare elegance
of the Bauhaus
and the lush color
of the Fauves..


  The Road from Samsara

July 6, 2006

May 2005

On Exhibit at the USC Institute for Genetic Medicine
Satellite Gallery at Dereks

The Road from Samsara:
The work of Lark

In Buddhism, the material world came to be recognized as a fragmented and constantly changing place. This changing aspect of the material universe came to be called Samsara. Since this doctrine makes any dream of an eternal happiness impossible, the Buddhist goal became liberation from Samsara. This quest for liberation inspired the art work of Lark and has become her "Road from Samsara."

As the USC-IGM Gallery works to bring together diverse elements within our community to share resources and create new bonds, so Larisa Pilinsky (known professionally as Lark) brings together the old and new, the lost and found,  in images, colors and textures. Lark’s work as visual artist, poet and journalist has evolved from expressionist, non-representational techniques to the exuberant use of found objects, design and color reflecting the intense emotional events and contexts of her own life and culture. In the process, her work explores the "unexpected appearances, and consequences, of beauty and love."  Her work, a mosaic mirroring a courageous personal search to realize childhood dreams, modified by a fear of the unknown, chaos, change and her desire for perfection, strives toward harmony.

The Bunker Group, of which Lark has been a member for 10 years, will exhibit Broken Eggs at the USC IGM Art Gallery, July-October, 2005.  The Gallery is located on the USC Health Science Campus at 2250 Alcazar St., in downtown Los Angeles.

Wendy Kelley


